
May Meetup 2018 (03.05. 19:30)

  • Federate you, federate me
  • Creative Commons: How to find and use free high-quality images for your web project (BER)
  • Property-based testing: You won’t look at your tests the same way ever again
  • April Meetup 2018 (05.04. 19:30)

    • GDPR or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Users
    • The basic income experience
    • March Meetup 2018 (01.03. 19:30)

      • How to memoize
      • Ensure that your command only run once at the same time... WORLDWIDE.
      • Tools, tools everywhere
      • February Meetup 2018 (01.02. 19:30)

        • Ruby out of Rails or why do we choose Grape
        • Introduction to GraphQL with Ruby
        • Kafka as message queue for your microservices / other occasions
        • January Meetup 2018 (11.01. 19:30)

          • Where do Rubyists go? (preview)
          • Clean & fast code with enumerators
          • December Meetup 2017 (07.12. 19:30)

            • Get rid of IF/ELSE use more objects, do more OOP
            • Beyond Mind Hacks: Refactor your Thoughtware with Memetic Engineering
            • Idiosyncratic RUG::B Ruby Quiz [December 2017]
            • November Meetup 2017 (02.11. 19:30)

              • Methods, Functions and Objects - oh my!
              • Understanding Unix pipes with Ruby
              • October Meetup 2017 (05.10. 19:30)

                • Scaling frontend development with opensource in a distributed multinational company
                • September Meetup 2017 (07.09. 19:30)

                  • Frozen String Literals for Rubyists Old and New
                  • State, when state? - answering the (sometimes) unanswerable
                  • What is (not) Software Craftsmanship?
                  • August Meetup 2017 (03.08. 19:30)

                    • Tidings from the Abbasid Florescence
                    • Saga Pattern: 2 years and 40 000 000 domain events later
                    • Stop Guessing and Start Measuring - Benchmarking in Practice