
August Meetup 2016 (04.08. 19:30)

  • A better logging experience
  • Do's and Don'ts of Code Reviews
  • Speed up with CDNs
  • July Meetup 2016 (07.07. 19:00)

    • Modern frontends without Javascript
    • Living with Tricky Bugs
    • The Neo4j.rb Project
    • June meetup 2016 (02.06. 19:30)

      • ClojureScript and React
      • Let's validate your releases with JRuby, RSpec and SSH
      • Let’s create an interpreted programming language!
      • May Meetup Anniversary 2016 (12.05. 19:30)

        • Let’s write a parser!
        • Synchronize gitter and IRC
        • Understanding legacy untested code through ExporatoryTDD technique
        • April Meetup 2016 (07.04. 19:30)

          • About Semantic Versioning
          • Refactoring VAT in SpreeCommerce and Solidus
          • Elixir & Phoenix - fast, concurrent and explicit
          • March Meetup 2016 (03.03. 19:30)

            • Semantic Logging in Rails and Beyond
            • A short introduction into InfluxDB
            • Building a microservice with RabbitMQ and Sneakers
            • February Meetup 2016 (04.02. 19:30)

              • Finding the right stuff, an intro to Elasticsearch with Ruby/Rails
              • JRuby: Introduction and Use Cases
              • Integrating Jenkins and Ruby for maximum fun
              • January Meetup 2016 (07.01. 19:30)

                • Burn Your Idiomatic Ruby
                • Creating a plugin for Jekyll
                • December Meetup 2015 (03.12. 19:30)

                  • What Functional Programming Taught Me About Ruby
                  • Taming memory: performance-tuning a (Crystal) application
                  • Docker - why we shouldn't use it
                  • November Meetup 2015 (05.11. 19:30)

                    • Visual Documentation Language
                    • User Centered Design - Think First, Program Later
                    • Beating Go thanks to the power of randomness