Join us for great talks and fun!

There will be food! Food will be vegan/vegetarian/chicken wraps plus some Sandwiches (well "belegte Brötchen") - of course drinks will also be there.


Lessons learned from 10 years of programming

I recently realized than I'm a programmer for about 10 years and I reflected on the most valuable lessons learned during this time and wrote them down. I never studied computer science and started when I was still a graphic designer so there were a lot of things I had to figure out on the way.

Then I thought it might be worthwhile sharing my experiences with the rug-b crowd in a talk.

(Note: I can't make it in the first week of august)

How to plan and perform improvements on legacy systems

I've recently read the book "The Mikado Method" from Ola Ellnestam and Daniel Brolund who describe a pragmatic but very effective method to work with legacy code. Inspired by the book we've applied the technique to work on a (yet not published) feature at GitHub.

As I think every developer should know about this technique I'm more than happy to present the core principles of the "Mikado Method".

Testing Ruby gems against multiple versions of everything

Gem authors often need to stay compatible with different dependency sets. E.g. we must support multiple versions of Ruby, various releases of Rails, different types of databases.

In this talk I would show how to test a single codebase against multiple dependency sets, without breaking development flow. I would also show how to use CI services like TravisCI to simplify contributions for developers who are less experienced with complex testing setups.

Duration probably < 20 minutes. I could present this for the October meetup.

Is this something the group would be interested in?

Uczestników: (55)

Oleksii Fedorov
Wydarzenia: 20
Tematy: 1

Michał Czerasz
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Armin Pašalić
Wydarzenia: 69
Tematy: 3

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Björn Weinbrenner
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Henning Koch
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 2

Denis Defreyne
Wydarzenia: 24
Tematy: 13

Paul Götze
Wydarzenia: 63
Tematy: 1

Joe Webb
Wydarzenia: 12
Tematy: 0

Matthias Pries
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Simon Lacroix
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Adam Niedzielski
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 2

Anita Klis
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Andrew France
Wydarzenia: 29
Tematy: 0

Bodo Tasche 🔭
Wydarzenia: 40
Tematy: 3

Tilmann Singer
Wydarzenia: 25
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 13
Tematy: 0

Peter Gundel
Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 1

Hernan Maguina
Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 0

Nico Hagenburger
Wydarzenia: 30
Tematy: 3

Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Zhuo-Fei Hui
Wydarzenia: 34
Tematy: 1

Alexander Sulim
Wydarzenia: 25
Tematy: 2

Fausto NA
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Roman Gusev
Wydarzenia: 15
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0


Tobias Pfeiffer
Wydarzenia: 101
Tematy: 15

Holger Pillmann
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Hagen Rother
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Olek Janiszewski
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 2

Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0

Denys Yahofarov
Wydarzenia: 12
Tematy: 1

Vitaly Pushkar
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Paulo Diniz
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 1

Florian Eck
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Dennis van de Hoef
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0

Fernando Guillen
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Devon Estes
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 1

Arian Celina
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Roland Koch
Wydarzenia: 40
Tematy: 0

Lukas Rieder
Wydarzenia: 20
Tematy: 7

Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Tim Lossen
Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Anatoliy Plastinin
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Anna Wroblewska
Wydarzenia: 8
Tematy: 0

Javier Ruz
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Olli Zeyen
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Keith Brosnan
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0
