Hello everyone,

we're back with another remote-friendly Ruby User Group! The time is 20:00 CEST so that's 18:00 UTC or well 6pm UTC.

You're welcome wherever you're from as long as you adhere to our Code of Conduct - the meetup is in English.

Current schedule is two ~20min talks including Q&A, followed by splitting the audience into smaller groups for virtually hanging out (optional) :)

Joining the meetup

Zoom link: https://contentful.zoom.us/j/95272214664?pwd=MGt1S3Nqd004ckhQLzdEUnphSWVrQT09

The meetup will be on zoom and it will be recorded

  • if you don't want your video to be visible to others, then turn it off/leave it off
  • if you can't make it/don't want to be on zoom, watch the recording!

We're aware of the privacy concerns surrounding zoom and we share them. We're looking for better tools, we haven't found them yet.

Meanwhile, if you don't want to use the desktop client the zoom browser link above should work for you. If it doesn't you can usually get to it like this: the join link should also show a tiny "join from browser" link at the bottom of the window. It doesn't appear to require an account anymore. If the link doesn't show up, open the "Download and Install Zoom" link in a separate tab, that should make the link appear. Dark UI patterns 😖

Participating in the meetup

  • We'll take Q&A questions in Zoom via the "raise hand" feature (click on participants, there's a little raise hand link)
  • There is also a #rugb-live channel in the Ruby Berlin Slack, you can join the slack here
  • the "socializing" part is optional, naturally, our aim is to not lose that part of our meetup - we'll try to use Zoom's breakout feature to split you into random groups and give you some ice breaker questions to kick it off


Your feedback is very welcome. Things will go wrong, we'll try to fix them.

See you

Looking forward to see y'all Rubyists from Berlin and maybe all over the world.

Amr, Pascal & Tobi


Full Metal Rüst

(Previously on "Full Metal...": https://www.rug-b.de/topics/full-metal-ruby-201)

Roughly 6 years ago, in May 2014, I gave a talk at this meetup called "Full Metal Rüby", sharing my retrospective experiences in community management in Ruby and previously, the German metal online scene. I postulated two things: a) that programming communities are not exceptional and b) that the Ruby community doesn't exist, but instead multiple, with distinct cultures, but shared values.

Not long after, I joined the Rust project and started working on a new programming language environment. I've seen and helped the Rust project growing from a loose cluster of 10 or so people to a project powerhouse with 300 members plus. And that's just the core project! After 6 years of time, I think it's time to reflect on the learnings of that time and conclusion about what worked - and what didn't.

Why so on a Ruby usersgroup? I'll let you know.

Probably a good Christmas talk. Christmas is metal af.

How I learned to love legacy code, and why you should too

I used to complain about legacy code, but I was wrong. Not because if something generates revenue, then it should be loved! No… that’s not an excuse for bad code. There's a more disturbing truth about legacy code, and we need to face it. It’s time to learn to love your legacy.

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer (32)

Florian Gilcher
Treffen: 18
Themen: 11

Christoph Grabo
Treffen: 83
Themen: 1

Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Jan-Erik Rediger
Treffen: 7
Themen: 0

Enxhi Hamzallari
Treffen: 6
Themen: 0


Pascal Wengerter
Treffen: 28
Themen: 1

Ivett Ördög
Treffen: 2
Themen: 1

Ender Ahmet Yurt
Treffen: 8
Themen: 0

Mike Rogers
Treffen: 13
Themen: 1

Carsten Behnert
Treffen: 27
Themen: 0

Treffen: 31
Themen: 0

Toño Serna
Treffen: 46
Themen: 0

Emmanuel Hayford
Treffen: 8
Themen: 0

Raza Ali
Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Paul Götze
Treffen: 63
Themen: 1

Anatina Trakowski
Treffen: 7
Themen: 0


Tobias Pfeiffer
Treffen: 104
Themen: 15

Tim Kächele
Treffen: 9
Themen: 4

Ramón Huidobro
Treffen: 13
Themen: 2

Paweł Świątkowski
Treffen: 2
Themen: 0

Igor Preston
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Norbert Crombach
Treffen: 4
Themen: 0

Ana Hobden
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Julian Wollersberger
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Timo Sulg
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0

Julia Wolf
Treffen: 22
Themen: 0


Amr Abdelwahab(عمرو)
Treffen: 31
Themen: 5

Michael Emhofer
Treffen: 17
Themen: 0

Martin Wöginger
Treffen: 7
Themen: 0

Raluca Badoi
Treffen: 15
Themen: 0