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Scaling frontend development with opensource in a distributed multinational company

Springer Nature is a globally distributed scientific publishing company, with Front-End Developers (FEDs) working on many different projects and using many different technologies (including Rails!). How we build our FE stacks is therefore directly influenced by this huge scale and variety. How we deal with CSS and branding at scale, how we publish FE components, and how we make everything work consistently - from the most modern technology stack, to systems that are over 15 years old!

Presenter: Charlie Owen (, and the Berlin Frontend team.

Attendees: (22)

Chikahiro Tokoro
Events: 8
Topics: 1

Events: 1
Topics: 0

Jan Lelis
Events: 50
Topics: 7

Nico Hagenburger
Events: 30
Topics: 3

Jason Neylon
Events: 4
Topics: 0

Miguel Schmitz Grazziotin
Events: 8
Topics: 0

Max Mulatz
Events: 20
Topics: 2

Events: 2
Topics: 0

Ioana Rosu 🐾
Events: 3
Topics: 0

Henning Vogt
Events: 2
Topics: 0

Dajana @ 🏠 👶🏻
Events: 7
Topics: 0

Michael Reinsch
Events: 30
Topics: 2

yonatan miller
Events: 21
Topics: 0

Alexander Sulim
Events: 25
Topics: 2

Francesco Mari
Events: 4
Topics: 0

Saverio Miroddi
Events: 4
Topics: 0

Ramon Voges
Events: 1
Topics: 0

Events: 22
Topics: 0

Martin Czuchra
Events: 19
Topics: 0

Events: 11
Topics: 1

Alex Jahraus
Events: 10
Topics: 0

Events: 19
Topics: 1
