The leafs start falling - we are still meeting! At a new place this time around even :) To get to Blacklane, these instructions might help: The closest S bahnhof is Julius-Leber Brucke and closest U bahnhof is U7 Kliestpark. Please take the elevator or stairs to the 5th floor from Aufgang A. There will be signs to usher you, of course.


"Slow client" and Unicorn


Slow Clients Are Problematic

Most benchmarks we've seen don't tell you this, and unicorn doesn't care about slow 
clients... but you should.

-- The Philosophy Behind unicorn


In my experience, a lot of companies use unicorn as their rails / rack app server, because it's "fast", but they have never understand the problem of "slow client", and IMO most of them should have, as Ruby and Rails are not well known for performance.

Criticizing git

git is the best version control system ever. Or is it?

git seems to be a software beyond criticism. And even if it is subjected to it, usually one UX flaws are discussed. But going beyond that: are there things in git that are holding us back?

Ruby on Rust

Ever wanted an excuse to explore Rust? Let's use Fiddle – the foreign function interface class from the Ruby standard library – to call functions from a Rust library.

We'll take a quick look at what FFI is for, the history of libffi wrapping in the Ruby stdlib, and how Fiddle compares to the FFI gem.

Then we'll see how to use Fiddle to connect Ruby with dynamic libraries written in Rust, thanks to Rust's C ABI.

Uczestników: (44)

Florian Gilcher
Wydarzenia: 18
Tematy: 11


Tobias Pfeiffer
Wydarzenia: 104
Tematy: 15

Greg Karékinian
Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 1

Florin Lipan
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 19
Tematy: 0

Andrew France
Wydarzenia: 29
Tematy: 0

Armin Pašalić
Wydarzenia: 70
Tematy: 3

Toño Serna
Wydarzenia: 46
Tematy: 0

Joe Corcoran
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 2

Isaiah Peng
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 1

Aakriti Gupta
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0

Łukasz Włodarczyk
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Cameron Prebble 🇳🇿
Wydarzenia: 45
Tematy: 0

Alexander Sulim
Wydarzenia: 25
Tematy: 2

Dennis Denicio
Wydarzenia: 36
Tematy: 2

Christian Zacharias
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Jonas Knipper
Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 0

Philipp Preß
Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Denys Yahofarov
Wydarzenia: 12
Tematy: 1

Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Anton Versal
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Lucas Krebs-Pinto
Wydarzenia: 13
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 13
Tematy: 0

Duilio Ruggiero
Wydarzenia: 27
Tematy: 0

Hernan Maguina
Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 0

Roland Koch
Wydarzenia: 41
Tematy: 0

Sebastian Ziebell
Wydarzenia: 27
Tematy: 0

Paul Götze
Wydarzenia: 63
Tematy: 1

Martin Czuchra
Wydarzenia: 19
Tematy: 0

Oleksii Fedorov
Wydarzenia: 20
Tematy: 1

Laurent Arnoud
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Chris Bailey
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 17
Tematy: 0

Pascal Weiland
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Bastian Bartmann
Wydarzenia: 17
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 8
Tematy: 0

Ernesto Míguez
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Hauke Klement
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Tilmann Singer
Wydarzenia: 26
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Jorge Díaz
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0
