May Meetup

organizowane przez Tobias Pfeiffer w crealytics, 02.05.2013 o 19:30

Spring Finally!

come join us for great talks and cold beers. When you arrive at Oranienstraße 185 you gotta go to staircase 5, which is in the second backyard. Then it's on the third floor. See you!



My name is Sergio, some of you know me, some others don't ;) I'm a Spanish Ruby developer living in Berlin for around a year now, and I want to make my first presentation at RUG::B in the next meeting if possible.

I'd like to make a review about what is laziness (or its slightly less cool but far more accurate name, lazy evaluation) in programming. Also, why is it cool, why is it useful sometimes. In what languages do we find it, and what can we do with it in Ruby. That's it :)

Synchronising resources between client and (Rails) server

At Geddit we have a whole lot of realtime UIs. Lots of users change our models, which changes our views, which needs to be reflected in the browsers of lots of other different users - instantly.

There are a variety of ways of communicating in real time between the server and the client. We use PubNub, but there are other services that'll do it in different ways - and Rails 4 brings server-side events and live streaming - but beyond the communication protocol how does this fit into the Rails world where the lines between M, V and C are clearly demarcated and lovingly adhered to? How do you deal with views that change between requests? Where does the logic sit to handle models' changes that will cause dependent views to change?

In this talk I'll go into how we solved this problem at Geddit and how we think this pattern can fit into Rails in general.

Rails Girls Summer of Code

A little introduction to Rails Girls Summer of Code by Carla, you can find out more at the home page

Uczestników: (31)

Greg Karékinian
Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 1

Martin Czuchra
Wydarzenia: 19
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Mathias Gawlista
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 8
Tematy: 1

Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Niko Felger
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Markus Herzog
Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 0

Amir Friedman
Wydarzenia: 12
Tematy: 0

Hugo Duksis
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Alex Coles
Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 1

Christian Rijke
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 0

Robert Schulze
Wydarzenia: 26
Tematy: 0

Christoph Grabo
Wydarzenia: 83
Tematy: 1

Wydarzenia: 9
Tematy: 0

Pere Urbón-Bayes
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 3

Caio Filipini
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0


Tobias Pfeiffer
Wydarzenia: 101
Tematy: 15

Christoph Bünte
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Christoph Bünte
Wydarzenia: 8
Tematy: 0

Sergio Gil Pérez de la Manga
Wydarzenia: 33
Tematy: 3

Mariusz Ciesla
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 14
Tematy: 0

Sebastian Ziebell
Wydarzenia: 27
Tematy: 0

Konrad Gibaszewski
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Alexander Gräfe
Wydarzenia: 4
Tematy: 0

Leszek Zalewski
Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 1

Jan Lelis
Wydarzenia: 50
Tematy: 7

Christoph Wiemers
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Josep M. Bach
Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 2

Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0
