Join us for talks, nice people and even some food.
There will be Pizza and drinks.
To get to HeyJobs best follow these instructions:
For coming to HeyJobs' office, please follow the HeyJobs sign into the 1st backyard and turn right towards the entrance, which is next to the pizzeria Zola.
Breaking Silos In Product Development
In this talk, I look closer at the negative consequences of working with dis-empowered teams in what has also become known as the feature factory organization. I will show how the most innovative product companies of today seem to work very differently and talk about two examples from my personal career that have been very eye-opening in that regard. With this talk I hope to encourage people with an engineering background to make themselves more familiar with “state-of-the-art” product management to help make our software product companies more successful together.
How (not) to integrate Elasticsearch testing with RSpec
In this talk I want to share my experience in development of an integration testing tool for a search engine using RSpec.
Usually developers just stub requests to Elastic, then one spec checks that application has sent a request and received mocked data. But what to do if someone insists on covering responses from a real search engine with specs? I encountered several problems along the way, I hope this talk will prevent people from making my mistakes.
Stories in Open Source
What’s it like to work on Open Source projects? They’re all the same aren’t they? No, they’re not - the longer I worked on Open Source the more I realize how different the experience is for each one of them. Walk with me through some stories that happened to me in Open Source and let’s see what we can take away.
Participantes: (55)
Timur Yanberdin
Eventos: 8
Temas: 1
Boris Diebold
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Denys Yahofarov
Eventos: 12
Temas: 1
Christoph Grabo (asaaki)
Eventos: 83
Temas: 1
Tales Cione
Eventos: 11
Temas: 0
Yusuf Daniju
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
yaniv preiss
Eventos: 5
Temas: 0
Sandeep Patle
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
André Macedo
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Twinkalkumar Savani
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Daniel Alvarez
Eventos: 4
Temas: 0
Tobias Pfeiffer
Eventos: 105
Temas: 15
Guilherme Goettems Schneider
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Gaelan Taylor
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Virginia Weidhaas
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0
Mohnish G J
Eventos: 10
Temas: 2
Pascal Wengerter
Eventos: 28
Temas: 1
Guilherme Pasqualino
Eventos: 27
Temas: 0
Karolis Stasaitis
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Paul Götze
Eventos: 63
Temas: 1
Armin Pašalić
Eventos: 71
Temas: 3
Raluca Badoi
Eventos: 15
Temas: 0
Frederik Maatz
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
aaron blum
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Duc Le
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Andrew Garshyn
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Hercules Merscher
Eventos: 3
Temas: 0
Gess Gallardo
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Peter Tadros
Eventos: 4
Temas: 0
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Daniel Climent
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Eventos: 19
Temas: 1
Carsten Behnert
Eventos: 27
Temas: 0
st pk
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
maryam bahrami
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Ricardo Almeida
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Eventos: 3
Temas: 0
Jaime Rave
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Stephan Leibelt
Eventos: 11
Temas: 0
Cameron Norman
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0
Thilo Utke
Eventos: 23
Temas: 0
Eventos: 4
Temas: 0
Jan Sandbrink
Eventos: 7
Temas: 0
Eventos: 12
Temas: 0
Eva Stolz
Eventos: 4
Temas: 0
Serdar Gokay Kucuk
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Eventos: 6
Temas: 0
Eventos: 3
Temas: 0
Zhuo-Fei Hui
Eventos: 34
Temas: 1
Michał W
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0
Faruk Aydın
Eventos: 2
Temas: 0
Jan Stępień
Eventos: 7
Temas: 3
Julia Wolf
Eventos: 22
Temas: 0