June Meetup 2017

organizowane przez Tobias Pfeiffer w homify www.homify.com, 01.06.2017 o 19:30

Meet us for great talks, nice people and cool drinks! There also will be food which is going to be Pizza (vegan and vegetarian options included)!

3rd floor to the left


Coding is like [how do I explain this?]

Coding is hard sometimes, but explaining concepts around coding can be even harder. It's especially hard when you're trying to explain something where you can't remember what it was like not to know it.

Luckily, we know from Rails Girls Workshops, talks and online resources that the Ruby community has some great teachers and mentors. And we would like to grow more of you! Have you ever wondered how to translate a coding concept into a real life problem? Get ready for some creative examples of how to explain MVC, the difference between Ruby and Rails or what programming really entails.

I'll also give background info on how people process information in any kind of teaching/learning situation - because you'll want people to remember as much as possible. This is an interactive talk that will give you hands-on experience for the next situation in which you have to explain coding - to your non-tech friend, to a co-worker, a mentee or really just yourself.

Boring Ruby Code

Ruby is a powerful language and this means that Ruby gives you a good chance to shoot yourself in a foot. “With great power comes great responsibility” and we all love to abuse our powers. During the talk we will explore examples of “smart” Ruby code and see why they are confusing to junior programmers, your colleagues and even you revisiting the codebase after 6 months. Come to this talk if you want to learn why “boring” is better than “smart”.

I'd like to practice the talk at RUG::B before Brighton Ruby 2017.

Uczestników: (28)


Tobias Pfeiffer
Wydarzenia: 102
Tematy: 15

Miguel Schmitz Grazziotin
Wydarzenia: 8
Tematy: 0

Deepak Lamichhane
Wydarzenia: 22
Tematy: 0

Laura Laugwitz
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 3

Adam Niedzielski
Wydarzenia: 11
Tematy: 2

Jan Lelis
Wydarzenia: 50
Tematy: 7

Rui Mangas
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 10
Tematy: 0

Cameron Prebble 🇳🇿
Wydarzenia: 45
Tematy: 0

Arne Tarara
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Oleksii Fedorov
Wydarzenia: 20
Tematy: 1

Sergio Gil Pérez de la Manga
Wydarzenia: 33
Tematy: 3

Devon Estes
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 1

Sudhanshu Kumar Singh
Wydarzenia: 18
Tematy: 0

Joe Corcoran
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 2

Luis Edymerchk Laverde
Wydarzenia: 3
Tematy: 0

Paul Götze
Wydarzenia: 63
Tematy: 1

yonatan miller
Wydarzenia: 21
Tematy: 0

Arthur Leonard Andersen
Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0

Michael Silverberg
Wydarzenia: 5
Tematy: 0

Toño Serna
Wydarzenia: 46
Tematy: 0

Martin Czuchra
Wydarzenia: 19
Tematy: 0

Christoph Grabo
Wydarzenia: 83
Tematy: 1

Tiago Teixeira
Wydarzenia: 13
Tematy: 0

Bhushan Lodha
Wydarzenia: 2
Tematy: 0

Antony Siegert
Wydarzenia: 7
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 6
Tematy: 0

Wydarzenia: 1
Tematy: 0
