Dima Boyko (dimaboyko)
Your Topics
Visited Events
- February Meetup 2024
- November Meetup 2023, Rails doc preview
- June 2023 - last minute edition
- April Meetup 2023
- Outdoors Social Gathering - July 2022
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - June 2022
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - January 2021
- Ruby Usergroup Berlin - Oktober 2020
- May Meetup 2020 (remote)
- January Meetup 2020
- October Meetup 2019
- June Meetup 2019
- October Meetup 2018
- September Meetup 2018
Liked Topics
- Post-Postman
- Looking beyond software engineering assumptions
- How I learned to love legacy code, and why you should too
- Hanami::API
- The broken promise of dockerization in the land of ruby
- Our road from remote-friendly to remote-first
- How I review code
- The Miseducation of this Machine
- Let‘s get Lucky - Rails on Crystal